ARIES Newsletter Jan – Jun 2017

Electric Vehicle Battery Safety Test System

In 2017 ARIES has successfully delivered the most trending Electric Vehicle Battery Safety Test System, and several other upgrades of its original systems in order to improve the overall performance of ARIES safety testing systems, which helps car manufacturers and test centers to improve the overall safety of their vehicles.


Below you can find the News summary of 2017 first half year of ARIES:

  • New Contract of Universal launcher awarded of AIRIC.
  • System upgrade contracts with TOYODA GOSEI and Faurecia Tecnoconfort.
  • New development of electric vehicle battery safety test laboratory.
  • Full crash facility upgrade in order to carry out electric vehicle crash tests.
  • Successful delivered the most advanced climatic test system in Europe for aerospace simulation to CIMA.
  • Successful delivered a launcher system to NEXTEER.



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